Fangan Wiki Killing Games
Unlike the previous 3 FWKG (I'm shortening it because I'm lazy) that were made as posts, I was trying to make this one only a blog but it wasn't working so almost all of them are posts. If I decide to do more in the future, I'll had them on this blog. Anyways here's the cast.
- Monica Burgos, Ultimate Floridian (protag)
- Ecuador, Ultimate Ecuadorian Country
- Puerto Rico, Ultimate Territory
- Italy, Ultimate Boot-Shaped Country
- France, Ultimate French Country
- Abkhazia, Ultimate Partially Recognized State
- Scotland, Ultimate Scottish
- San Marino, Ultimate Fictional Country
- Bigburger Fatscooter, Ultimate American
- Chile, Ultimate Long Country
- Vietnam, Ultimate Country That One Of My Friends Lives In
- Craycray McGatorgunman, Ultimate Florida Man
- Canada, Ultimate Nic…
Alright what just happened?
Apparently I didn't confirm my Email address so it's not letting me post. I'm asking about this because it didn't have a problem with posting it before.
Flickerronpa: Afterschool Mayhem — Chapter Four (Daily Life)
???: is the cat working, yet?
I nervously tapped my fingers against the desk.
??: it should be…
I pressed the power button on my remote. Monokat buffered for a few seconds, then opened its pixelated eyes.
Monokat: geez, I sure was knocked out! I must’ve been sleepy! Can I even sleep?
I let out a sigh.
??: good as new.
I picked the robot cat off of the desk and placed it on the floor. Its paws made small little taps against the floor as it walked around in circles, as if it was a real cat. It turned around and looked up at me.
Monokat: Creator! I barely see you!
??: …
???: aw, how cute.
I turned my head and looked back over at the other person.
??: don’t call it cute. It runs a killing game.
???: oh, like you don’t?
??: …
I glared at them. They took notic…
Danganronpa But You Guys Choose Part Two
(Contains small amount of language and obviously death in later chapters for people who are sensitive)
Boyfriend - Ultimate Musical Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin)
Camilo - Ultimate Shapeshifter (Encanto)
Chihiro - Ultimate Robotic Programmer (Danganronpa)
Dora - Ultimate Explorer (Dora The Explorer)
Eijiro - Ultimate Hero (My Hero Academia)
Harley - Ultimate Jester (Batman Universe)
Inkling - Ultimate Painter (Splatoon)
Mr Clean - Ultimate Janitor (Mr Clean)
LeShawna - Ultimate Ghetto (Total Drama)
Pheonix - Ultimate Defense Attorney (Ace Attorney)
Remy - Ultimate Rat (Ratatouille)
Sora - Ultimate Key Wielder (Kingdom Hearts)
Spongebob - Ultimate Sponge (Spongebob Squarepants)
Twintelle - Ultimate Movie Star (Arms)
Yor - Ultimate Assassin (Spy X Family)
Wii Fit Trainer…
Total DramaRonpa Island: (Not) Normal Arc: To Be Dead or Not To Be Dead
See the previous episode here. Yes, still in Cody's POV.
Time: July 9, 2007, 21:29, Wawanakwa Island: Home Yard, Ontario, Canada
"Uh, Cody?" Someone tapped me on the shoulder.
It was Bridgette. "I need to talk about today. We're going to the home yard."
"Honestly, I'm really scared. What if one of us gets killed or executed?" I said.
"I don't know, only time will tell."
"We should figure out a way to not get killed tomorrow. But what?"
"I have an idea..."
I was confused.
"Aha! How about we sleep in the living room of our respective houses? That way there won't be any snoring or screaming. Honestly, we can still hear it, but it won't be too loud." Bridgette suggested.
"Yeah... that's good." I said. I headed to the boys' house.
22:13, Wawanak…
Total DramaRonpa Island: It All Begins in an Island of Mysteriousness
This is the first episode of Total DramaRonpa Island. To see the prologue, here. This episode is fully on Cody's point of view.
In the afternoon at 5 o'clock, Chris put several cellphones in the security room, the purpose was so that the contestants could not contact anyone on the cellphones. He then left the room.
Unbeknownst to him, Cody's cellphone rang. It was his mother who wanted to call her son. Of course no one answered. But his mother kept waiting and waiting...
"TUT TUT TUT TUT" Missed Call: Cody
"Huh... what should I do, Robert? I've called him many times but still no answer," his mother complained.
"Don't worry, Lana (Cody's mother), he will definitely answer his text message. If he hasn't answered, try calling again," Ro…
Total DramaRonpa Island: The Prologue
I'm Noah, and I love making fanfictions, especially Total Drama. Danganronpa is one of the shows I'm currently attached to. That series was a fun idea to make a fanfic, and if Total Drama characters are in. But this is the season 1 version of Danganronpa and I haven't finished the rest. This fanfic includes the host, Chris McLean, and the 22 contestants on Total Drama Island (2007) (yes, if you don't believe me, there are new seasons that have the same name). Now don't expect me to finish all of these earlier, because it will took me many days to make this.
Note: Because I'm Indonesian, I have to translate it to English, to understand the readers.
Once upon a time, there was an island in Canada, called Wawanakwa Island. No one lived th…
Flickerronpa: Afterschool Mayhem — Chapter Three (Deadly Life)
I stood in the kitchen, my shoes stained by the blood scattered across the floor.
My own blood.
I stared at my dead body, multiple stab wounds in my chest. My eyes rolled into the back of my head, and my mouth gaped open. A bloody kitchen knife was on the floor beside me. Shadowy figures surrounded my corpse, muttering incomprehensibly.
Was I a ghost? A spirit unable to move on from the physical world? Is there even anything beyond this physical world?
This could’ve been you. Don’t forget that.
A strange, ethereal voice spoke to me.
A gasp escaped my mouth as my eyes fluttered open, sitting up in shock. My eyes darted around the room, before settling on Miguel, who was still asleep. I sighed.
Just a dream.
It was just a dream, but it felt so real.…
Flickerronpa: Afterschool Mayhem — Chapter Three (Daily Life)
I stared at the screens in front of me, displaying the security camera footage. My eyes settled on one specific screen, displaying the dorm room hallway. The sound of a door opening came from behind me, but my eyes stayed glued on the monitor.
???: it’s about time you got here; you're late.
??: I don't tend to pay attention to the time.
I turned in my chair, looking at him.
???: I'm well aware of that by now, Reza.
He stepped forward, letting the door close shut behind him. He stared at me with a poker face.
Reza: why did you tell me to come here?
I slowly stood up, then walked over and slapped him across the face.
???: what were you thinking, revealing what you did back there?!
His expression stayed cold and emotionless; he didn't even step back i…
Flickerronpa: Afterschool Mayhem — Chapter Two (Deadly Life)
I woke up to the morning announcement. Not wanting to waste any time, I got myself ready and exited my dorm. In the hallway, I ran into William. She gave me a surprised look.
William: Rosalie?
Rosalie: what?
William: uh, hi! I'm just surprised you're out here… Where are you going?
Rosalie: cafeteria. Now come on.
William: wait, really?
I nodded and continued walking. William followed after me.
We soon got to the cafeteria. Some of the others were already there. All of them gave me a surprised look.
Ally: well, look who finally decided to show her face here.
Veronica: what are you doing here, Rosalie? You haven't attended breakfast in days.
Rosalie: I'm not attending breakfast. I'm only here to do a headcount.
Ally: awww, that's too bad. You really li…
Flickerronpa: Afterschool Mayhem — Chapter Two (Daily Life)
[Chapter Two: Of Cats and Men, Daily Life]
I shouldn’t have expected anything else.
In my ignorance, I thought perhaps I could lead this group to survival. Even if they were incapable of working together, I could lead the group well and stop the game. But even I have limits.
And now, because of their foolishness, two people are dead.
When the morning announcement played, I barely processed the words said. I knew it was just the same thing repeated in every other announcement. Nothing that was worth more than a passing glance. I got myself ready, then grabbed a book and headed for the cafeteria, like I usually did. But when I got there, I wasn’t met with the scent of fresh cooking in the air, throwing me off for a second.
Of course I knew Melodi…
Flickerronpa: Afterschool Mayhem — Chapter One (Deadly Life)
I woke up to the morning announcement. I got up and saw my handbook right where I left it earlier. After getting myself ready, I grabbed it and left my room. As I walked through the hallways, I didn't see anything suspicious. And as I entered the cafeteria, everything looked normal too. Except for one thing…
I raised a brow, looking around the room. There was a distinct lack of the good smell I was used to upon entering the cafeteria in the morning. I then walked into the kitchen. There was no one there. I was confused…
I walked back over to the dorm rooms, seeing a few people exiting their dorms. But I ignored them, walking over to one specific dorm. I turned the doorknob, seeing the door was unlocked. When I opened the door, I saw the room…
Mixelsronpa: Mixed Up Despair - Chapter 1: Finders Keepers, Liars Weepers (Deadly Life)
Vulk: Ah…
The sudden scream of Vulk startled me to the point I jumped in shock…
Whoever did this to our brother…will pay the–
- 1 This is the end!
- 2 BREAK!
- 3.1 ACT 1
Flain: Seismo, There was large wound on his head.
Gobba: Flain?
Flain: Think of the we saw earlier while we were investigating.
Flain: I didn't know much of it, but now that I think about it...
Flain: The size of the wound was huge.
Niksput: That maybe true, so after the party we all went to our bedrooms.
Niksput: And the only one who wasn't in their bedroom was you Seismo.
Seismo: Ah!
Jamzy: So, Seismo really is Zorch's Killer?
Seismo: Ah!!
Gobba: So that's …
Mixelsronpa: Mixed Up Despair - Chapter 1: Finders Keepers, Liars Weepers (Daily Life)
???: Hey!
???: Wake up!
Who is…?
Trumpsy: Jee, I thought you were done for
What’s going on...?
Flain: Where am I?
Trumpsy: Why don’t you get up and see for yourself.
Trumpsy: You have been out for quite a while.
Flain: What…is this place?
Trumpsy: Oh. Don’t you remember?
Trumpsy: After that monocubit thing announced us that we were in a killing game, you passed out!
Flain: So…I wasn’t dreaming…?
Trumpsy: Yeah, somehow…
Trumpsy: At least you're awake now.
Flain: Where are the others?
Trumpsy: Oh, Their in the the school diner.
Flain: This place…has a diner…?
Trumpsy: Yep.
Trumpsy: Let’s go to the others.
I walked to the diner with Trumpsy to meet the others.
Jamzy: Ah, Flain!
Niksput: We were expecting you!
Vampos: Are…
Mixelsronpa: Mixed Up Despair - Prologue
???: Hey.
??? 2: C-Can you hear us..?
??? 2: A-Are you okay?
???: You seem pretty out of it dude!
??? 3: Vulk…? Zorch…?
Vulk: F-Flain?
Zorch: Woah! You’re alive!?
Flain: Yeah…
Vulk: Well…um…we thought you we’re gone for good.
Flain: Huh? Wha?
Flain: Why…would I be dead…?
Flain: Just…Tell me why.
Vulk: EEK! I-I-I’m sorry Flain! Don’t get mad at me…!
Flain: Um…
Everything feels strange here…
Oh, looks like I forgot to introduce myself.
My name is Flain.
I’m not sure what my talent is or, how I got here…
But somehow I’ll never know…
Flain: It’s okay Vulk…
Vulk: *Sniff* T–Thank you…
Zorch: Woah! What’s that noise?
Vulk: I hear chatting…
Flain: I hear it too, Let’s go see.
We went to see what that chatting was.
But then…We were in luck, b…
Flickerronpa: Afterschool Mayhem — Chapter One (Daily Life)
[Chapter One: To Kill a Dove, Daily Life]
I was awoken by the sound of an announcement over the speakers.
Announcement: good morning, students! It's officially morning time!
Grumbling, I got out of bed and looked at myself in the mirror in my storage closet. My hair was ruffled, but there was nothing a brush and some braiding couldn't do. Looking through my desk drawers, I found a brush and hair ties. In just a few minutes, I was presentable and ready to be seen.
I looked in the mirror one more time, my hair now braided and my proper attire on. I looked into my eyes.
Rosalie: let's do this.
I exited my room and headed to the cafeteria. But I was met with no one there.
Rosalie: oh, yeah. Breakfast doesn't start until 9:00…
While contemplating whet…
Flickerronpa: Afterschool Mayhem — Prologue
Titles are arbitrary.
You can title yourself anything, whether you really are that thing or not. We flatter ourselves with labels that mean nothing, washing down the title for people who really do deserve such an honor.
Anyone can call themself an Ultimate. People will often joke to young kids about how “keep this up, and you’ll be an Ultimate!” Those people know nothing. Yeah, there’s plenty of people with the title of Ultimate. But there’s very few who are true Ultimates. Ultimates that change the world, who put effort into their work to influence society.
And I, Rosalie Murphy, am one of those Ultimates. I am the definition of what a true Ultimate looks like. Hardworking, dedicated, and influential. Do not let the fools that waffle around …
Cyberpunk Suspects - Sc0ut - 1
(These are character ideas for my Detective story I’m working on.)
NAME: Scout aka Sc0ut.
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/They.
Sexuality: Nonbinary.
Nationality: American.
-image -
She is a guest at the Quid pink Hotel in Room 102.
They fix Cars and other types of vehicles.
NAME: Yin Na
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Nationality: Chinese
Apperance: Gothic
Age Range: Teenager.
CHARACTERS: #1————————————————-
In her story she is with some of her friends on the bus to somewhere for the summer and goes to a cursed Town.
OLD Danganrompa AU posts - (Needs updating).
This is links to Danganrompa AU Posts - Some of it might be updated in the future.
(This is the first character note page for character relationships from my Fangan)
(This will be for characters from THH aka Class 78)
🎩🐦⬛=-Jasper Otto-=🎩🐦⬛
Makoto: Friends (Sometimes doesn’t trust him due to his hopeful nature.) (But enjoys his company when his friends are around but doesn’t hate him.)
Kyoko: Best friends: (Respects her Brains and wits and wants to learn from her while on break.) (Enjoys her company with Makoto and she likes his younger sister Alice)
Bykuya Togami: Dislike/Neutral: (Jasper doesn’t like it when Togami is stubborn sometimes but respects his leadership in the future foundation.) (They haven’t had the time to talk, so their relationship is Neutral currently.)
Aoi Hina: (Likes/Neutral): (She likes Jaspers younger …
DRDT's page has been deleted
Hello. I made this blog just to let people know that the page for Danganronpa: Despair Time and the character pages were deleted. The creator asked for the pages to be deleted. You can still learn about it and access sprites on its Tumblr.
HDR-2 Demo English Release!
Finally, after some volunteers' hard working, Heretic Danganronpa -2: The Miracle Butterfly Demo now have an English version!!
As the writer, I can't wait to share the download link with you:
Download Link (Github)
This demo contains every student's first meet and a demo-limited murder case, play time is about 2 to 3 hours. Me and the Illustrator promise the experience will be thrilling and fun.
By the way, due to lack of translators that speaks English natively, this fan-translated demo may have some confusing sentences. If this bothers you, please forgive me.
We wish you a happy play! If you meet any bug or translation problem, please contact me. I'm glad to see responses and reviews!
This is for info about Hajime/Izuru aka the Big bad wolf.
(This is my take of the character in this Danganrompa AU.)
HAJIME aka Human side.
When Hajime is human he is a normal Teenager who lives in a house with a path though the woods back to town where he goes to school and gets stuff for his family and hangs out with his friends.
He has a crush on the girl in town named Chiaki Nanami who wears a red hood/Cloak and her grandmother is known for drawing bugs and baking cookings In her shop.
Hajimes family is a decent one with his mother being one of the town council members and his father being somewhat of an outcast of the town. (Hajimes father is the reason why he has his wolf Genes and abilities.)
When Hajime is in his wol…
- Beauty and the beast-
Beauty: Pandora (Danganrompa Lapse)
-The little mermaid-
The sea witch = Chihiros mother,
The Sea king = (Original character)
-Alice in wonderland-
Alice = Chihiro Fujisaki.
This is the 3rd note page of The Public Domain AU.
- Alice in wonderland-
The white queen = Murkuro.
- The little mermaid-
Kiotaka = The mysterious prince.
- Little red riding hood-
Big bad wolf = Hajime/Izuru.
-HARDY BOYS (First three books)-
Fenton Hardy - Taaki Ishimaru
Laura Hardy - Hiroko Hagakure
Aunt Trudy - (Original character)
Chet Morton - Yasuhiro Hagakure
Lola Morton - (Original character)
Callie Shaw - (Original character)
Biff hooper - Nekumaru Nidai
-Lore changes-
1 - Chet (Yasuhiro) is the Hardy brothers adopted brother.
(These are the second page of notes)
NOTES ABOUT THEADERS LIGHT FANGAN - Minor characters and connections to main cast.
Hello this Blog post will explain the character connections to the characters from the Fangan Theaters light.
JASPER OTTO - Ultimate ringmaster.
- Alice Otto. (His 11 year old younger sister.)
Alice is a smart,Creative girl who is good at reading people at a young age. She cares for her family and the people who work at the family circus she works for. She is worried for her brother when he is hiding his true feelings from the family like the pressure of being the new Ringmaster for the family circus.
CHISA RYOKO - Ultimate Teacher
- Shuya and Yoshitoki (Her two adopted children)
Not alot is known about them, but there biological parents disappeared in 2019 and were adopted in 2021.
So yeah, This is where I’m gonna write my notes for my Danganrompa Public domain AU.
-Sherlock Holmes-
Kyoko = Sherlock Holmes.
Makoto = Watson (This version is similar to The character from Sherlock BBC)
Celeste = Moriarty
-Little red riding hood-
Chiaki = Little red.
-Alice in wonderland-
Mikado (SDRA2) = Mad hatter.
-Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde-
Toko = Dr Jekyll
Geocider jack = Mr hyde
-Hardy boys (First three novels)-
Daiya = Frank
Mondo = Joe
Dr: GbG - Prologue: Beginning of a tragedy worse than Pandora’s box - Part 1
???: Every story can start with a simple “Once upon a time…”, however, the story I am about to tell you is not any ordinary story like “Red riding hood”, or “Goldilocks and the three bears”, no… it is far more than that. There is more depth to it, more mystery, more… (Redacted). However, worry not, it is worth listening to, and it will hopefully teach you a great lesson about (Redacted), (Redacted) and (Redacted). I promise you that… I, (Redacted) (Redacted), shall now begin… It… started… with…
Hmmm… A field trip huh? Such an unnecessary activity, yet a mandatory one nonetheless. I looked through my window while sitting in my seat on the school bus. I was seeing everyone else get in, it was going to get very crowded. After pointlessly wa…
updated fangan cast
Danna Korizuna- Ultimate baker
Michael Dokinari- Ultimate referee
Elizabeth Centeno- Ultimate vocalist
Paisley Jones- Ultimate hairdresser
Piper Jones- Ultimate hacker
Rory Shields- Ultimate comedian
Mason Ono- Ultimate axe thrower
Carlos Ramirez- Ultimate soccer player
Scarlett Amber- Ultimate motorcyclist
Serenity Aijin- Ultimate couples counselor
Cesar Nebusoku- Ultimate chemist
Ezra Raida- Ultimate archer
Sam Meadows- Ultimate makeup artist
Jathen Swanson- Ultimate author
Ethan Koji- Ultimate agent
Damion Moreno- Ultimate acupuncturist
FlamingoRonpa Prologue Script
I'm sorry that I wasn't able to have you guys make it.
It's all my mother's fault, for signing me up on this island getaway trip..
But because of you guys dying..
Now I'm completely alone.
(CG of Cleetus sitting on the edge of the beach in the island)
Cleetus: Y'know, it really is a tragedy that my friends weren't able to make it.
Cleetus: I'll have to be awaiting messages from my other friends..
Cleetus: I didn't deserve this at all, really..
Cleetus: Oh? A bottle with a scroll, interesting.
(Cleetus opens the scroll)
(CG of the scroll message)
"Dear Cleetus, they are here to get you, I would have called the rescue team, but it seems that they turned out to be a bunch of hitmen..I'm sorry, but I really cannot help you right now.…
Silly little fangan characters and death order ahhsha
Okay so erm the casr
Mason Ono- ultimate axe thrower
Carlos (Name undecided) - ultimate soccer player
Piper Jones- ultimate hacker
Paisley Jones- ultimate hairdresser
Serenity Aijin- ultimate couples councler fugdk
Scarlette Amber- ultimate motorcyclist
Sam Korashono- ultimate (Idk amdn i have like 9e49w ideas)
Elizabeth Centeno- ultimate vocalist
Cesar Nebusoku- ultimate chemist
Ezra Raida- ultimate archer (Hes so hot I love him but hate him and he dies lamo loser)
Rory Shields- ultimate comedian
Jathen Ramirez- ultimate author
Damien (something or other)- ultimate agent
Michael (ugh)- ultimate (MAN IDK ANYTGING ABT HIM)
Danna Korizuna (Hey I know herrr)- ultimate baker (Protag also silly)
(That one dude that I know nothing ab ha,kafu)
Danganronpa Pirate AU:
British Navy:
- Kiyotaka Ishimaru
- Shuichi Saihara
- Byakuya Togami
Kokichi’s Crew (AKA D.I.C.E.):
- Original D.I.C.E. Members
- Akane Owari
- Yasuhiro Hagakure
- Mahiru Koizumi
- Hiyoko Saionji
- Kirumi Tojo
- 3 Unnamed
Junko’s Crew (AKA ):
- Junko Enoshima
- Mukuro Ikusaba
- Tsumugi Shirogane
- Mondo Owada
- Miu Iruma
- Kiibo Ibadashi
- Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
- Kazuichi Soda
- Peko Pekoyama
- 5 Unnamed
Celeste’s Crew (AKA ):
- Celestia Ludenburg
- Makoto Naegi
- Kyoko Kirgiri
- Hifumi Yamada
- Chihiro Fujisaki
- Toko Fukawa
- Komaru Naegi
- Sayaka Maizono
- Leon Kowada
- 18 Unnamed
Hajime’s Crew (AKA ):
DV3 Wonderland AU
Alice- Kaede Akamatsu
The White Rabbit- Shuichi Saihara
The Mad Hatter- Angie Yonaga
The March Hare- Tenko Chabashira
The Red Queen- Miu Iruma
The White Queen- Kirumi Tojo
Mallymkun- Himiko Yumeno
The Ch…
A page for Beans’ unused codes. Or codes they want to keep for later-
Smol Supreme Neagi|2/22/2000|20|Type profile here.|Creator|Blue|Rice|USA|Funny|Student|1|1|1|4|3|3|14|0|1|1|1|1|43|98|80|0|45|20|20|3|3|52|52|18|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|23|0|12|12|22|22|93|23|30|30|0|57|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|0|1|1|1|7|9|11|11|21|2|1|7|7|19|1|55|1|1|1|0|0|0|6|0|5|1|0|1|1|1|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|0|0|0|1|1|0|5|-3|6|5|0|-5|-3|6|5|0|0|6|1|17|-9|0|6|1|17|9|0|0|19|12|0|-2|-9|11|1|0|0|0|1|1|0|0|0|1|1|0|38|-18|12|15|333|-12|-8|1|1|342|0|0|1|1|0|0|0|1|1|0|0|0|1|1|0|0|0|1|1|0|0|0|1|1|0|16|18|339|1|1|0|0|0|1|1|0|1|0|0|8|3|3|2|-2|11|18|1|0|345|1|1|0|0|1|1|0|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|2|1|0|0|1|1|0|1|0|0|-12|16|1|0|0|1|1|0|-4|2|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|…
References for DRH VA Candidates
We are looking for potential VAs for Danganronpa: Honors!
Link to my post for instructions: Danganronpa: Honors VA Auditions!
I will list all characters and will state if they have VAs or no. Below that will be characters that have no confirmed VA candidate.
- 1 Characters and VAs
- 2 VA Available Auditions
- 2.1 Macie Wilcox
- 2.2 Skyler Choe
- 2.3 Monofrog
- Mason K - No VA
- Reece - Voiced by @- ur the enderman -
- Erik Butterfield - No VA
- Sven Butterfield - No VA
- Steven Dunbar - No VA
- Macie Wilcox - No VA
- Skyler Choe - No VA
- Jarvis Williams - No VA
- Artem Dianov - No VA
- Joshua Rhyne - No VA
- Elijah Rhyne - Voiced by Elijah R
- Joseph Street - No VA
- Madison Prieto - No VA
- Mason Denzler - No VA
- Hannah Foster - No VA
- Cole Davis - No VA
- Monofrog - No VA
Macie is a quiet and intelligent ch…
First blog
Blogs have returned! And this is the first announcement that has been made... ever? It was brought back because people wanted it back.
I actually haven't made a blog in a while but now I know how to describe it. Blogs are kind of like sandboxes and message walls combined into one. And in case you don't know what sandboxes are, sandboxes are like a page except it isn't and official page. You can test out your editing skills or even put in your own Fangan (like I did), and unlike real pages, you don't have to ask admin permission to make one (same with sandboxes... I think). All you need to do to make a sandbox is create a page titled (I'll do me as an example) User:JellyfishtheChef/sandbox.
I don't know how this turned into a blog about sandb…