Fanganronpa Wiki
Danganronpa V4 Rocky Restarts
This article is a stub and needs to be expanded to include missing information and images.
This article contains spoilers for Danganronpa V4 Rocky Restarts, proceed at your own risk.

Danganronpa V4 Rocky Restarts is a cancelled English fan-game created by American developer StephenW313. The game had a prologue, one fully released chapter, and half of a second chapter prior to its cancellation.


📷 For more images from the game, see Danganronpa V4 Rocky Restarts/Image Gallery.
📷 For more sprites from the game, see Danganronpa V4 Rocky Restarts/Sprite Gallery.


Camp Counselor
Kim Davis
Ultimate Mountaineer
Alexander Normandy
Ultimate Sprinter
Angela Lovell
Ultimate Hairstylist
Autumn Palmer
Ultimate Gardener
Dennis Wells
Ultimate Game Show Contestant
Emily Price
Ultimate Carpenter
Glenn Anderson
Ultimate Survivalist
Harmony Campos
Ultimate Composer
Hunter Murphy
Ultimate Gem Collector
Jesse Miles
Ultimate Digital Artist
Julien Sanchez
Ultimate Cop
Marcus Ziegler
Ultimate Poet
Marie Lambert
Ultimate Vlogger
Melody Pierce
Ultimate Ghost Hunter
Norah Yates
Ultimate Thief
Victor Moore
Ultimate ???

Additional Info[]

Additional Cast Info
Height Weight Age Birthday Likes Dislikes Voice Actor
5'4" 126 lbs. ??? November 25th Vocaloids Popular Girls Aji
5'7" 137 lbs. 20 May 9th Expansive Landscapes Light Pollution VampireBre
6'1" 158 lbs. 18 June 25th Dog Walking, Compliments Injuries Japaria
5'5" 126 lbs. 21 April 16th Nail Polish Edgy Fanfiction, Television Arvela
5'8" 117 lbs. 23 March 20th Succulents Deep Waters, Witches Sakura Schwein
6'1" 150 lbs. 23 July 19th Blueberry Muffins Cheaters, Tomatoes Ozone454
4'6" 97 lbs. 16 August 11th Carbonated Drinks, Jump Scares Vegetables, Self Care Unii
5'8" 137 lbs. 18 May 17th Boring Documentaries Murder and Crime naft814
5'6" 123 lbs. 20 October 13th Large Crowds Confrontation Xyerose
5'10" 143 lbs. 21 February 14th Palm Reading Loud Noises Mypooka
5'1" 99 lbs. 17 December 15th Edgy Anime Girls Existing StephenW313
5'4" 119 Ibs. 18 December 15th Unique Patterns Corpses Calobi49
5'7" 136 Ibs. 18 November 27th Sea Shells, Brown Eyes TV Remotes YumeDeku
6'3" 148 Ibs. 18 January 9th Anything Green, Apology Videos Advertisements nosharcade
3'7" 94 Ibs. 20 November 2nd Sudden Noises Closed-minded People DR_FriendlyFacade
5'2" 107 Ibs. 18 July 23rd Rubber Bands Security Cameras lunafreya
6'0" 146 Ibs. 19 June 3rd Grayscale Colors Hats souleaterwill

Plot Synopsis[]

"16 people with Ultimate talents find themselves waking up at a mysterious camp. Things quickly take a turn for the worst as they find out they're not having a fun summer away from home, they're apart of a strange new killing game."- Official Synopsis[1]

Plot Summary[]

Prologue: Bus Ride to Despair[]

This plot summary contains major spoilers for Danganronpa V4: Rocky Restarts!
Danganronpa V4 Rocky Restart CGs - Prologue 02 Bus

Kim Davis, the Ultimate Mountaineer, wakes up on a bus, alongside other sleeping passengers, confused about where she is and where she is going. Kim is approached by another passenger and recalls that the bus is on its way to a summer camp designed for Ultimates residing in the United States of America. This is because Ultimate students in the United States are educated differently from those around the rest of the world; they attend online classes rather than going to a specialized Ultimate Academy, and so they do not meet with their peers very often. The summer camp operates annually in sessions lasting three months in order to bring the Ultimate students together so that they feel less isolated from one another.

Danganronpa V4 Rocky Restart CGs - Prologue 05 Monokuma's Entrance

After introducing herself to all the other campers, they meet up in the dining hall, where they are introduced to Monokuma, their supposed camp counselor. The campers are informed that they are to be trapped within the camp indefinitely unless they kill one of their fellow campers and get away with it. If they succeed, the rest of the campers will be executed, and the killer will be freed, but if their fellow campers are able to identify them as the killer, the killer will be executed.

Monokuma also informs the campers that escape by other means is impossible because the camp is located miles from civilization and surrounded by a wired fence. Not only that, but while they were all rendered unconscious on the bus ride to the campgrounds, they all unknowingly had a microchip implanted in their necks that has the ability to emit a paralyzing electric shock. They learn that phones have also been confiscated, eliminating the possibility of contacting the outside world.

Danganronpa V4 Rocky Restart CGs - Prologue 07 Victor's Pins

After this bombshell, the campers leave the dining hall to go decompress and investigate the cabins they will be living in for the time being. As the group reconvenes outside, Victor is questioned as to why he has two Monokuma-themed pins on his lapel. Victor insists he has lost his memory and has no knowledge of the pins, what his talent could be, or about himself for the past two years, so he is unable to explain himself. The other campers become very suspicious of him.

The campers agree to meet up again at 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. in the dining hall each day to check in on one another, collect their thoughts, and make sure nobody is missing. At 8 p.m., Kim goes to her cabin to sleep.

Killing Game[]


Killing Game Rules
  1. Do not cross the fence at the edge of the premises.
  2. Violence toward Monokuma is strictly prohibited.
  3. Do not throw things in the river of forest.
  4. A murderer is only allowed to kill up to three people.
  5. Once a murder takes place, a class trial will begin shortly thereafter. Participation is mandatory for all surviving students.
  6. If the guilty party is exposed during the class trial, they alone will be executed.
  7. If the guilty party is not exposed, they alone will graduate, and all remaining students will be executed.
  8. Destruction of the surveillance cameras, announcement screens, and Monopads is strictly prohibited.
  9. New rules and changes to the current ones may be added as necessary.
  10. The person to inflict the killing blow on the victim would be considered the killer.
  11. During an investigation, the only cabins that are allowed to be entered are the victim's and your own cabin.

Death Order[]

Chapter Killed Executed
Chapter 1
Glenn Anderson
Near decapitation
by Autumn Palmer
Autumn Palmer
Chapter 2
Melody Pierce
Burnt alive
by Dennis Wells
Dennis Wells
Ran over
Chapter 3
Angela Lovell
Killed by Marcus Ziegler
Hunter Murphy
Killed by Marcus Ziegler
Marcus Ziegler
Burned with acid
Chapter 4
Alexander Normandy
Killed by Emily Price
Emily Price
Chapter 5
Norah Yates
Untreated injuries
Blasted off in a rocket
Marie Lambert
Chapter 6
Jesse Miles
Shot by Victor Moore
Julien Sanchez
Shot by Victor Moore
Victor Moore
Stabbed and shot by Kim Davis

Creation and Development[]

Danganronpa V4 Rocky Restarts is a game made with Unity 2D, originally planned to be programmed in Unity 3D.

Release Dates and Versions[]

Chapter Versions
August 1, 2019
  • Prototype
  • Version 1.0: First release.
  • Version 2.1.0: Sprite artwork has been updated to reflect artwork going forward, typos fixed, Dennis's voice lines implemented, fixed save system[2].
Chapter 1 (Daily Life)
July 13, 2020
  • Version 1.0: First release.
Chapter 1 (Deadly Life)
October 15, 2020
  • Version 1.0: First release.
Chapter 2
March 14, 2021
  • Version 1.0: First release.


Character Designs
Artist/Pixel Artist
Script Writer
StephenW313 Script Editor Calobi49
Music Masafumi Takada
Bug and Typo finders Calobi49


  • In the Prologue, a favorite song was included in the report card of each member of the cast, except for Victor Moore. This detail was omitted in further updates.
  • A mannequin in the laundry room is dressed in reference to Syoubu Eguchi, a character from Danganronpa: Siren's Ark.
    • In their Chapter 2 designs, Victor Moore and Jesse Miles both wear pins in reference to the same character.

External Links[]


  1. Danganronpa V4 Rocky Restarts On GameJolt: Official Synopsis (July 28th, 2019)
  2. @StephenW313 On GameJolt: Prologue's been updated! New sprites, typos fixed, and Dennis lines being added are the main changes. Oh yeah, and the saving system! (November 14, 2019)