Fanganronpa Wiki
Hajime Makunouchi
This article contains spoilers for Super Danganronpa Another 2, proceed at your own risk.

Hajime Makunouchi (마쿠노우치 하지메) is a character featured in the Korean fangame Super Danganronpa Another 2 created by LINUJ.

He is known as the Super High School Level Boxer (초고교급 복싱선수 lit. Super High School Level Boxing Athlete).


📷 For more images of Hajime, see Super Danganronpa Another 2/Image Gallery and Hajime Makunouchi/Sprite Gallery.


Hajime is a young man with a muscular build, peach-ish red eyes that are covered by a pair of black sunglasses, and somewhat tanned skin. He has short medium-length hair with certain parts tied into place with some hair ties, including a bit of his fringe and a bit of hair on the back of his head which, when it's tied, resembles a short-ish ponytail. When his hair is let down, it'll appear much longer than it does in-game, able to cover the back of his neck and reach past his shoulders [3].

He wears a black Japanese male uniform jacket with white lines signaling where the chest pockets are, a pair of white and red shorts with six red stars on either side, as well as a yellow spherical shape and circles on the rightmost side, a champions belt which holds his shorts up, a pair of plain white calf-length socks, and a pair of brown boots with white laces that overlap in certain areas and a white sole. In addition, he has decorative bandages that wrap around his lower-arm and onto the palms of his hands.

Outside of the simulation, Hajime is roughly the same age as the members of Void, Yuki, Sora, Teruya, and Mikado's human counterpart[4].

Creation and Development[]

Hajime, like Nikei, was once a scrapped design that was left in LINUJ's notebook prior to the time he discovered Danganronpa. His initial design showed him to resemble very little with his finalized design; he once wore a t-shirt with the word 'Victory' written in text, a tooth-like necklace, a pair of shorts, and a champions belt that assumingly kept them up. He also retained the same hairstyle and sunglasses kept within his final design. Hajime was then later redesigned when LINUJ began to consider the idea of making a sequel to Danganronpa Another. Apart from the design to his champions belt, and the removal of scars, nothing else was different between his prototype and final designs[5].

While LINUJ regards Hajime's childhood as a common cliché, he also really likes Hajime's character and childhood. He also notes that while Hajime's sunglasses are for optical nerve damage, he also liked to draw sunglasses. It's possible that they originally served no purpose in his initial design[5].


Hajime's lowest stats are in Reasoning Power and Intelligence. While higher than Iroha, both are met with a 'C' in terms of score.

In Physical Ability Hajime receives a score of an 'A'. LINUJ originally considered giving him an 'S' in this, but went against in. However, if combat ability was a stat he would've received an 'S' in it.

Behavior and Human Nature also manage to receive an 'A' for either score. Alike the other Void members, and Shobai, Hajime's high score in human nature comes from his own inner need to make his own life better, while also surviving. LINUJ states that he wouldn't have murdered if he knew he would actually die if he was caught[5].

Name Etymology[]

Hajime's name is a brief reference to the anime and manga series Hajime No Ippo and its protagonist, Ippo Makunouchi, who is also a skilled boxer.

In Japanese, Hajime's first name uses the kanji 一 (ichi), meaning "one", and is taken from Ippo's first name kanji. It is possibly derived from the verb 始める (hajimeru), which means "to start" or "to initiate (a course of action)". His surname, Makunouchi, consists of the kanji 幕 (maku) meaning "act of play", 之 (no), a homophone for の meaning "of", and 内 (uchi) meaning "house" or "home", but it could also mean "inside" or "within". So, when put altogether, it could mean "to start putting on an act within (oneself)."

It is also very likely that Hajime's last name is based on Makunouchi (幕の内弁当), a popular style of Japanese bentō containing rice and portions of fish, meat, and vegetables, which are all healthy foods, explaining its relation to Hajime's obsession with health.

Interestingly, Makunouchi (幕の内), also known as Makuuchi (幕内), is the name of the highest of six ranks within professional sumo wrestling. Sumo wrestlers, while athletic, are known to lead extremely strict and demanding lifestyles, which often lead to negative effects on their health.


Hajime is a laidback and generally friendly person who often shows interest in other people's health, though he seems to resent those that don't focus on improving their health. Throughout the events of the game, Hajime tries to befriend and talk to the other participants, bonding particularly well with Shinji, and often went on morning exercises alongside him.

After being revealed to have been the killer of Yuri, Hajime's entire personality seems to shift within an instant. Between maniacal laughter and a nonchalant reaction to what was going on, Hajime initially seems to show little to no remorse for his actions. He was content at the time, as he believed it would better his life, but his entire demeanor seemed to change when his execution was brought up. Hajime became furious almost immediately at Mikado, believing he would be allowed out in either outcome, and threatened to expose Void's plans if he didn't let him go. Despite this, his threats fail.

During the events of the Void Theatre, Hajime begins to show more remorse for his actions over time, often expressing guilt for having murdered someone. He also seems to grow as a person, and realized the bad things he and the other members of Void had done, and that their fates had been inevitable ever since birth. In his final moments alive, he tries to bond with Nikei and Emma one last time, and despite having vocalized annoyance of them before, wanted to hear one of Emma's puns before their inevitable death.

In the past, Hajime had a more rebellious personality and had less care for his health, but that improved drastically due to Utsuro's help. Hajime is stated to have been telling the truth when he said he had enjoyed the time he spent with the participants[4].


Early Life[]

Ever since early childhood Hajime had spent a majority of his life inside of hospitals, always ill with different health complications which left him unable to experience life as he properly could. Hajime came down with an incurable terminal disease (heavily implied to be Crest Syndrome, though no canon fact has been revealed). His parents, at first, spent everything they had to try and help their son combat his illnesses, but when they eventually ran out of money, they chose to abandon Hajime altogether[5].

His fate seemed to of been sealed at this point, and he would likely die. However, he would be saved by a man named Utsuro, whose luck cured him from all of his illnesses. His body quickly became that of a healthy person's, aside from his damaged eyesight that caused him to be hypersensitive to sunlight. But he had nobody to go to now that his parents had chosen to abandon him. The hospital tried to contact both of them initially; but there was no reply, and Hajime was sent to an orphanage[5].

Hajime struggled to bear with these thoughts most of the time, and ended up mixing himself with the wrong types of people. He began to smoke, drink, take drugs, etc, while hanging out with these friends. One day however a man found Hajime and his friends and tried to help them, but they all began to retaliate and fight the man. Hajime, who was the strongest out of this group, was easily defeated, just like the rest of the gang. When Hajime recovered he spoke to the man, who revealed himself to be a former boxing champion who still ran a boxing center at the time[5].

After a few brief conversations with the man Hajime was drawn to his strength and health, and went under the man as one of his students. He was then taught everything he currently knows about boxing. He was eventually scouted as the Super High School Level Boxer once winning a number of tournaments and a champions belt[5].

Later in his life, he then met Nikei, Emma, and Iroha, who all came to the conclusion that they all had one thing in common: they were blessed by Utsuro. However, this person suddenly disappeared, leaving Emma, Iroha, Nikei and Hajime alone. This caused Nikei to create the organization named Children of Utsuro to search for this person while each one of them were doing their jobs that were related to their talents. Progress regarding finding Utsuro was very slow and had nearly no leads, and so Hajime, along with Emma and Iroha, started to greatly doubt Nikei. It is noted that Nikei never really got along with his friends from his perspective; but Emma, Iroha, and Hajime considered him a good person still.

One day, a man named Mikado managed to contact them promising to help them, stating that he too had been helped by Utsuro, but needed to be the leader to properly help them. Iroha, Emma, and Hajime himself all agreed immediately after growing impatient under Nikei’s leadership. A series of unknown events occur with the Kisaragi Foundation seeking out Mikado and the finalized change of leadership within the Children of Utsuro. Nikei is greatly enraged and furious with this decision and vows that he will end Mikado. The Children of Utsuro don’t think much of Nikei past this point. Mikado, now leader, rebrands the Children of Utsuro as the Void, and kickstarts his plans for a killing game in hopes of meeting Utsuro that way. Hajime falls for Mikado’s lies, having his past and desires manipulated to partake in this game and to kill others; but much to his discomfort, he accepts with the other Void, desperate to meet Utsuro and unfortunately unbeknownst to Mikado's control over his future.

Utsuroshima Killing School Trip[]

Hajime was one of the students that would introduce himself to Sora and Yuki, starting his introduction by going through the importance of health.

After the introductions concluded, Yuki and Sora would head back to the beach where the latter originally woke up. Sora, deciding that it would be a good idea to meet up and discuss what was going on, would tell Yuki to gather the other students for them to meet up at the Beach. After several minutes, everyone including Hajime would gather themselves at the beach, the group starting to discuss the mysteries of Utsuroshima and what they may have been there for.

It wasn't long until Setsuka would suggest that the students took a swim in the ocean, which Hajime and several others would agree on it being a good idea. Everyone, excluding Mikado, Kokoro, Yoruko, Sora, Yuki, Emma, and Shobai, who had been at the side of the Monocruise prior to the suggestion, would enter the water, and would remain like this until Yuki, who had said he gave up and would enter the ocean moments prior, put his foot into it, which would lead to everyone falling unconscious. Once awoke, the students who had borrowed swimsuits from the store would discover that they were now in their talent uniforms. Moments of discussing how that had occurred would go on until an anonymous announcement would play, leading everyone to the center park.


In response, Hajime along with the other students would head to the center park to discover what the meaning of the announcement was about. Monocrow, the teacher of the school trip, would make himself present to the students, where he would announce the beginning of the Utsuroshima Killing School Trip, which Hajime and Shinji grew greatly angry at, the pair both threatening Monocrow by saying they'd beat him up. This, however, would be put to a stop by Mikado, who would finally speak after moments of silence.

A day or so prior to Setsuka's party announcement, Yuri, in front of everyone that was in the dining hall during that moment, would announce that he would let himself be sacrificed in turn for a woman to escape the Killing School Trip. After having heard this, Hajime would begin to plot his plan.

Hajime's Plan[]

The next day, Setsuka would bring up the idea of throwing a party - Hajime, Yuki, Sora and Yoruko would all find themselves helping with her idea, Hajime focusing on the drinks. While said drinks had been intended to only be water Hajime, who had put together his plan, would switch the bottles of water with multiple bottles of liquor instead to start his plans. The party would start, multiple people would start to have a few drinks, Kanade discovering that the drinks had in fact been alcohol and not water. Despite this, Hajime would encourage everyone to drink, he himself having some of the watered drinks to give off the image that he had also become drunk to give himself an alibi later on.

After the end of the party, Hajime would offer to help some of the drunk people back, primarily focusing on Yuri, who had been planned to be the first victim by Hajime. He would state that he would take Yuri back to the Monocruise, but would instead direct him to the Bell Tower, where he would be injected with anesthetic, have his Monopad stolen and have a hook pierced through his right calf. Hajime would begin to head back to the Monocruise after completing this task to later meet up with Shinji, his jogging partner. Instead he would be faced with a new problem: Yoruko, who had woken up earlier than the rest, had left the Monocruise, and would begin to head to the Bell Tower. Using the remaining anesthetic, Hajime would render Yoruko unconscious, taking her up the Bell Tower. Forced to use his mechanism to lesser the time he was late for, Hajime would remove the hook from Yuri's right calf and would meet up with Shinji to start their jogging. At a point, the former would make up an excuse to leave and head elsewhere.

In this time, Hajime would head back to the Bell Tower with him piercing Yuri's left calf with the same hook to finalize his death. Using Yuri's Monopad, he would send an 'In Danger' message to Yuki, who would later meet with Sora. While they had discovered a now conscious Yuri, Hajime would use his rope mechanism to jump down from the tower, which would send Yuri into the bell, through the wires and soon down to the ground after Hajime would cut the rope and regrouped with everyone after the Body Discovery Announcement.


During the class trial, Hajime is discovered to have murdered Yuri due to three main factors. The first factor would be the conditions needed for the murderer to pull off the murder, them being someone who helped prepare the party, yet also stayed late with a select few. The second one was discovered to be the way the culprit was unharmed from the wall, a feat only one with great amounts of strength could handle. The last factor being facial recognition after Setsuka and others regained some of their memories, describing the killer as blonde and muscular.

SDRA2 - Chapter 1 CG - 1st Void

Hajime revealed as a Void member.

Soon after the trial concluded, and after getting permission for the revelation, Hajime would reveal himself to be a member of Void, stating that it was his mission to murder someone. After Shinji felt angry at his motives for murdering Yuri, he would charge at him, only for Hajime to punch him in the throat, knocking him unconscious for the remaining time of the trial.

Monocrow would scold Hajime immediately after, though this has no effect on Hajime as he acts nonchalant and dismissive to him. With Shinji rendered unconscious, Hajime would wait for Mikado to let Hajime out, having been misinformed of what would happen to him when he would be caught as the killer. In his final moments alive, Hajime immediately turns into anger, threatening to reveal the rest of Void's plans if he wasn't let go. Despite this, Mikado goes ahead with Hajime's execution; he's soon killed through blunt force trauma, then grinded into a doll.


SDRA2 - Chapter 1 - Execution


After his death, Hajime would awake in the "Void Theater", which would typically be intermissions/skits before the start of any chapter after the first, as his post-executed self. He would find company in other members of Void, Emma, and Nikei, also in similar post-executed states. During each Void Theater, Hajime and his fellow Void members would simply have conversations with each other, and on occasion speak to Iroha through a special telephone. Hajime often seems to feel guilty over what he did to Yuri, while otherwise trying to get along with Emma and Nikei while they were around.

Once the simulation had crashed, Hajime, Emma, and Nikei all had the insides of their brains burned out alike the other deceased members of the cast. He and the other three original members of Void are also revealed to be the only Super High School Level's and High School students.

Talent & Abilities[]

Ultimate Boxer[]

Super Danganronpa Another 2 - Hajime Makunouchi Introduction (Korean)

Hajime has undergone all types of mental and physical training to get to where he is today. Everything he knows was taught by a former boxing champion he met one day, though when he wasn't taught by him, Hajime was still regarded as the strongest one in the gang he was in. This person is also partly why Hajime is so fascinated by health, as he now seems to prioritize it more than he did in the past[5].

In the Killing Game, Hajime's health and strength shows quite often. He first went on jogs and morning exercises with Shinji to practice both of their health skills, and it later shows again during the party where Hajime's keen eye for health is shown.

His talent later came into use during his murder plan against Yuri, where he relied heavily on his overall strength to survive the landings from the bell tower to the ground. His strength was also shown when he was able to plunge sharp hooks into Yuri's calves with precision, and carrying Yoruko after rendering her unconscious. Hajime's strength also seemed to be on the same level, or even higher, than Shinji's, as Hajime renders him unconscious with just a single punch to the throat.

If Shinji and Hajime got into a fight with each other, Hajime would win, due to his boxing techniques. It's possible that Shinji has more raw strength than him, however[4].


  • Hajime's birthday, December 26th, marks the European holiday Boxing Day. Despite the name, the holiday has nothing to do with boxing as a sport.
  • The reason Hajime wears sunglasses is stated to be due to his past battles with undisclosed illnesses; essentially leaving the optic nerves sensitive to sunlight. This means that Hajime almost always has to wear a pair of sunglasses, and often tried to quicken boxing matches since he couldn't wear them during competitions[5].
  • With 54 votes, Hajime ranked 14th in the Super Danganronpa Another 2 popularity poll. He scores 1.3% of the total amount of votes[6].
  • Hajime has poor grades[4].
  • Hajime is bad at operating machinery[4].
  • If Hajime and Yuri were to meet in the afterlife, Hajime would apologise and Yuri would try to kill him[4].


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Super Danganronpa Another 2 Character Profiles (Korean)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Fanganronpa Wiki: Korean Translations Thread by EverAyakari
  3. Linuj's blog: Summer update (July 19th, 2019)
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Pastebin: SDRA2 Fan Questions (translated by CKLeming) (January 31, 2020)
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Linuj's blog: Hajime Makunouchi character profile (March 19th, 2020)
  6. Linuj's blog: Popularity poll results (February 7th, 2020)


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Danganronpa Another Series
Danganronpa Another MonokumaYuki MaedaAkane TairaAyame HatanoHaruhiko KobashikawaKakeru YamaguchiKanata InoriKinji UeharaKiyoka MakiKizuna TomoriMikako KurokawaMitsuhiro HigaRei MekaruSatsuki IranamiTeruya ŌtoriTsurugi KinjoYamato Kisaragi
Super Danganronpa Another 2 MonocrowSoraEmma MagorobiHajime MakunouchiHibiki OtonokojiIroha NijiueKanade OtonokojiKokoro MitsumeMikado SannōjiNikei YomiuriRei MekaruSetsuka ChiebukuroShinji KasaiShobai HashimotoTeruya ŌtoriYoruko KabuyaYuki MaedaYuri Kagarin