Fanganronpa Wiki
Kiyoka Maki
This article contains spoilers for Danganronpa Another, proceed at your own risk.

Kiyoka Maki (마키 키요카 Maki Kiyoka) is a character featured in the Korean fan game Danganronpa Another ~ Another Despair Academy ~ created by LINUJ.

She is known as the Super High School Level Sniper (초고교급 저격수 Cho go gyo geup jeogyeok-su).


For more images of Kiyoka, see Danganronpa Another/Image Gallery and Kiyoka Maki/Sprite Gallery.


DRA - Kiyoka Maki - Full Body Sprite (HD) (12)

Kiyoka is a tall high school girl who has olive skin, cornflower blue eyes and waist-length golden yellow hair with long side bangs styled in drills, which gradually fades to reddish orange. However, her hair is often depicted as simply yellow in her in-game illustrations.

Kiyoka wears a white collared shirt with three gray buttons, blue jeans folded up to her lower calf, a green zip-up jacket tied around her waist and off-white sneakers with red soles and laces. She also wears a light blue cog necklace.

In her character illustration, Kiyoka wears her usual outfit, now with her jacket worn over her shirt. She also wears a brown cowboy hat.

When going out with her friends, Kiyoka wears a close-fitting black and white striped sweater, which is, according to her, already old and has been used by someone else. In addition, she keeps her hat and necklace on[4].

Name Etymology[]

Kiyoka's first name consists of the kanji 清 (kiyo), meaning "clear", "pure", or "fresh", and 香 (ka), meaning "incense". Her family name, Maki, means "pasture" or "ranch".


Kiyoka is a carefree and outgoing girl. Even though she displays exceptional skills in using guns and darts, she actually dislikes her talent, and just wants to be a "normal" high school girl, hence the reason why she is more interested in feminine things such as fashion and cosmetics. Her distaste towards guns go so far that in her first free time event with Yuki Maeda, she reveals that she "wants to leave the boring guns" and go on a trip around the world. This is clearly shown to be a big dream to Kiyoka. Her carefree personality helps her have a positive outlook when the first motive is given to the group, believing that the anxiety of killing should be pushed aside for fun and bonds. Perhaps because of this carefree side, Kiyoka finds it somewhat easy to stay composed when given the first motive, although it's heavily implied that this is also helped by her trust with the other participants. Her trust is further shown when heading to the laundry room at night despite the letter being unsigned and sent after the first motive was given to everyone.

She has a habit of speaking before she thinks, which she developed at the age of six, often leading her to (often unintentionally) offend or threaten the other participants and get her into trouble with certain people. Despite this, she also appears to be a light-minded girl, often cracking up jokes to try and ease the tension that builds up throughout the game. However, this also makes her seem ignorant of the atmosphere, as admitted by herself and indirectly by Haruhiko, due to the situation she and the others are in.


Early Life[]

Kiyoka grew up with her younger brother, who she still thinks of as a child and treats him as such. Ryutaro and Kiyoka are stated to have annoyed one another and engaged in normal sibling bickering typical of their ages[4]. Kiyoka developed a habit of speaking before she thinks at age six, and has never been able to get rid of it.

In elementary school, Kiyoka met her two closest friends, Rika Takahashi and Yuzuki Asada, the three only separated when Kiyoka began to attend Hope's Peak Academy, though the three still texted and went on vacations together[4].

While attending her previous high school, she was scouted to attend Hope's Peak Academy as a part of the most recent class batch and granted the title Super High School Level Sniper.

The 79th Class Killing Game[]

Sometime after being accepted into Hope's Peak Academy, Kiyoka, along with her other classmates, gathered in the entrance hall prior to orientation.

When Yuki Maeda introduces himself to her, Kiyoka mentions that he doesn't look like he's a Super High School Level student since he seemed so friendly, only for the former to apologize afterward, claiming it was a joke and becoming frantic. thinking that she offended him. She explains afterward that since she was six, she has a habit of speaking before she thinks, which often leads her to trouble.

After the introductions were finished, Kiyoka and her classmates all began to head into the school grounds before being rendered unconscious by an unknown force. Later, after the group regains consciousness, they gather in the entrance hall to discuss their situation: being sealed within Hope's Peak Academy.

A mysterious, shadow-like figure interrupts the group's discussion on the screen and announces to the students that they should head to the gym for the entrance ceremony. Kiyoka was one of the first to leave.

The mysterious figure reveals himself to be Monokuma, the self-appointed headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy. He announces the start of the killing game, much to everyone's shock and horror. Kiyoka is particularly in disbelief about the situation.

The first day of the killing game, Kiyoka investigates the school with Akane and Kanata, attempting to find a way outside, but instead finds the windows were covered with metal plates and that some doors didn't open. A few days later, the first motive is handed out in the form of a video. After watching it, Kiyoka, like everyone else, is distressed, but she is determined to escape until she is reminded she must murder to do so. The contents of her video are unknown, but she attempts to stay positive and tries to calm everyone down by reminding them they need to keep their trust.

Kiyoka later goes to the dormitory hall and meets up with Satsuki and Haruhiko. They start having fun and goofing off when Haruhiko bumps into Satsuki and knocks Tsurugi's and her own nameplate off the wall, shattering them. Yuki finds them soon after, and she explains what happened, the two girls laughing over Haruhiko's clumsiness. After Monokuma leaves with the broken nameplates, Yuki realizes that in order to overcome his thoughts about murder, he had to be positive, to which Kiyoka replied, "If we play together to forget sadness and hardships, you will forget about murder." Yuki finds a little hope in her words.


DRA - Chapter 1 CG - Body Discovery

That night, she would receive a letter from Mitsuhiro, which he had slipped under her door, telling her to come to the laundry room since there were no cameras present. She would go to the laundry room at around 6 a.m., where he would murder her by hitting her in the back of the head with a hammer. In order to make it look like a girl committed the crime, he would string her body up with rope and a hook attached to a pipe on the ceiling of the girl's bathroom. It was Akane who discovered her body first; with her scream alerting Yuki and Ayame to the scene, the body discovery announcement then played.

During the class trial, it was revealed that the killer's victim was intended to be Tsurugi, but after Haruhiko unintentionally switched the position of the room nameplates, Mitsuhiro sent his letter to Kiyoka instead, and he had to adjust his plan accordingly to accommodate the unintended victim, hence the reason for stringing her body up in such a manner.


DRA Chapter 3 CG - Kiyoka Maki's Phone

In Chapter 3, Kinji finds Kiyoka's cell phone inside a desk in an empty classroom. After examining it, Rei locates a photo of Kiyoka and her friends Yuzuki and Rika on the phone, confirming its previous owner.

In Chapter 0, Kiyoka would first tell Mikako to quiet down when she talked with Yuki due to her loud voice. She'd also provide commentary on the shenanigans between Satsuki and Haruhiko, remarking that they didn't look like a couple. When Yuki talks with Kiyoka, she jokingly asks if the sun will rise in the west before asking why he always avoids their classmates. She says it looks like he's suffering, then offers to take him to an amusement park if he opens up. Yuki wouldn't respond.

In Chapter 6, in a flashback of Utsuro's memories during the trial, Kiyoka is seen riding on the back of Yamato's utility truck to escape the tragedy. Monokumas run up close to the truck, so Kiyoka would take a shotgun from Yamato and successfully shoot them away. When a Monokuma escapes her view and attempts to climb up the side of the truck, Mitsuhiro will save her. The flashback would cut to the day the Monokumas attacked the Kisaragi Foundation, with Kiyoka shooting Monokumas down while Mitsuhiro kicked metal balls at them. Monokumas would soon come out of a vent behind them, leaving them surrounded. A Monokuma would run at Kiyoka to neutralize her, but Mitsuhiro would run in front of her, shielding her from it and telling her to run. Kiyoka is later seen shooting the Monokumas, but Akane would take care of her.

Talent & Abilities[]

Super High School Level Sniper[]

Kiyoka is noted by Yuki to have 100% accuracy when it comes to guns, hitting bullseyes with many types of guns, even darts and slingshots. Kiyoka's shooting ability is demonstrated in Utsuro's flashback in Chapter 6 where Kiyoka defends the Kisaragi Foundation from attacking Monokuma units.


In her Free Time Events, Kiyoka states that she's pretty good at singing, and offers to sing for Yuki. After hearing her sing, Yuki remarks that Kiyoka may have been awarded the wrong talent.

See Also[]

Kiyoka Maki/Free Time Events


  • Kiyoka's hobbies include chatting with friends, shopping, and attending fashion shows[1][3].
  • Kiyoka's favorite foods are parfaits and fast food[1][3].
  • Kiyoka's least favorite foods are vegetables[1][3].


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 LINUJ's blog: FAQ & Character Profiles (Full) (March 30, 2015)
  2. Danganronpa Another: Kiyoka's weight was originally listed as 50kg, but was changed to 54kg after the release of Chapter 0.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Fanganronpa Wiki: Korean Translations Thread by EverAyakari
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 LINUJ's blog: Kiyoka's character profile (March 1, 2015)


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Danganronpa Another Series
Danganronpa Another MonokumaYuki MaedaAkane TairaAyame HatanoHaruhiko KobashikawaKakeru YamaguchiKanata InoriKinji UeharaKiyoka MakiKizuna TomoriMikako KurokawaMitsuhiro HigaRei MekaruSatsuki IranamiTeruya ŌtoriTsurugi KinjoYamato Kisaragi
Super Danganronpa Another 2 MonocrowSoraEmma MagorobiHajime MakunouchiHibiki OtonokojiIroha NijiueKanade OtonokojiKokoro MitsumeMikado SannōjiNikei YomiuriRei MekaruSetsuka ChiebukuroShinji KasaiShobai HashimotoTeruya ŌtoriYoruko KabuyaYuki MaedaYuri Kagarin